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 all wikingz decks for 2011-11-24

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2 posters

all wikingz decks for 2011-11-24 Empty
PostSubject: all wikingz decks for 2011-11-24   all wikingz decks for 2011-11-24 EmptyWed Nov 23, 2011 12:34 pm

tLW_Plex0n:Dracorex,Support Carrier,Support Carrier,Apollo,Elemental,Support Carrier,Bridge of Destiny,Destructive Ram,Stealthy Niaq,Beetle Bomber,Abominable Horror
tLW_bensonk:Atlas,Ravenous Dredge,Bulldozer,Mortar Bunker,Warehouse,Sabre,Tiamat,Predator,Dozer Tank,Rifter,Electromagnetic Pulse
tLW_kanichan:Lucina the Wicked,Electromagnetic Pulse,Sharpshooter,Warehouse,Ravenous Dredge,Electromagnetic Pulse,Predator,Sharpshooter,Stealthy Niaq,Bulldozer,Warehouse
tLW_kfsw:Dracorex,Support Carrier,Elemental,Support Carrier,Abominable Horror,Support Carrier,Ravenous Dredge,Apollo,Stealthy Niaq,Gorivore,Support Carrier
tLW_N1njaStr1ker:Dracorex,Grim Specter,Grim Specter,Beholder,Warehouse,Asylum,Grim Specter,Grim Specter,Warehouse
tLW_Nossualc:Empress,Contaminant Scour,Support Carrier,Guardian Walker,Bridge of Destiny,Support Carrier,Credo Mech,Guerilla Leader,Purifying Rider,Benediction,Hierophant
tLW_screwball:Duncan,Cannon Walker,Command Center,Salvager,Command Center,Salvager,Salvager,Salvager,Doom Cannon,Cannon Walker,Lionheart
tLW_sieht:Lucina the Wicked,Tiamat,Hierophant,Grunt,Psycho,Fortifier,Omega,Predator,Havoc,Fighter Jet,Mortar Bunker
tLW_83616:Dalia,Pathrazer,Pathrazer,Pathrazer,Pathrazer,Full Power,Pandemic,Pathrazer
tLW_2k2Nino:Lord of Tartarus,Brawler,Plague Wyrm,Brawler,Whiplash,Hatchet,Hatchet,Hades,Gorivore,Venomous Raptor,Razogoth's Heir
tLW_AcidFree:Atlas,Electromagnetic Pulse,Predator,Sabre,Poseidon,Stealthy Niaq,Sharpshooter,Grinder,Omega,Electromagnetic Pulse,Tiamat
tLW_agamemnon121:Lord of Tartarus,Maximum Damage,Grim Specter,Mortar Bunker,Injection,Grim Specter,Warehouse,Plasma Field,Grim Specter,Grim Specter,Grim Specter
tLW_Apathy86:Dracorex,Support Carrier,Support Carrier,Vigil,Support Carrier,Bridge of Destiny,Vigil,Gorivore,Vigil,Support Carrier,Elemental
tLW_Carnifex84:Lucina the Wicked,Airstrike,Dozer Tank,Mortar Bunker,Tiamat,Razogoth's Heir,Psycho,Electromagnetic Pulse,Omega,Predator,Hunter
tLW_clikml:Duncan,Micromech,Fury Walker,Command Center,Command Center,Omega,Micromech,Fury Walker,Micromech,Micromech,Deranged Hunter
tLW_CSDaemon:Atlas,Tiamat,Electromagnetic Pulse,Grunt,Shapeshifter,Omega,Predator,Exodrone,Arc Trooper,Electromagnetic Pulse,Hunter
tLW_Davidee333:Dementia,Pummeller,Pummeller,Hades,Blood Pool,Pummeller,Pandemic,Pummeller,Pummeller,Viper,Gorivore
tLW_DestinyLig:Dracorex,Stealthy Niaq,Support Carrier,Destructive Ram,Apollo,Support Carrier,Support Carrier,Support Carrier,Gorivore,Elemental,Elusive Panzer
tLW_eman950:Dracorex,Darkon Destroyer,Azure Reaper,Support Carrier,Electromagnetic Pulse,Azure Reaper,Azure Reaper,Airstrike,Support Carrier,Support Carrier,Support Carrier
tLW_Falos:Dracorex,Azure Reaper,Daemon,Dozer Tank,Stealthy Niaq,Apollo,Vigil,Daemon,Bulldozer,Rifter,Beetle Bomber
tLW_garrett8:Dracorex,Xeno Interceptor,Azure Reaper,Azure Reaper,Daemon,Apollo,Xeno Interceptor,Azure Reaper,Azure Reaper,Xeno Interceptor,Daemon
tLW_geeper:Atlas,Omega,Sabre,Tiamat,Beetle Bomber,Predator,Sabre,Fighter Jet,Rifter,Electromagnetic Pulse,Sharpshooter
tLW_Haneganai:Vyander,Rifter,Azure Reaper,Daemon,Mortar Bunker,Electromagnetic Pulse,Enclave Champion,Beetle Bomber,Revoker,Azure Reaper,Azure Reaper
tLW_ikkyu88:Dementia,Asylum,Whiplash,Intruder,Intruder,Sulfuris Sentry,Hatchet,Asylum,Ravenous Dredge,Asylum,Asylum
tLW_joshisabeasty7:Dracorex,Credo Mech,Plasma Field,Elemental,Apollo,Support Carrier,Support Carrier,Stealthy Niaq,Bridge of Destiny,Destructive Ram,Support Carrier
tLW_Kilros:Lord of Tartarus,Hatchet,Asylum,Asylum,Infected Trooper,Hatchet,Hatchet,Asylum,Valefar,Mawcor,Hatchet
tLW_lastpegasus:Dracorex,Azure Reaper,Rifter,Azure Reaper,Dozer Tank,Revoker,Pharos,Apollo,Elemental,Revoker,Trident
tLW_Lucenian:Lucina the Wicked,Stealthy Niaq,Predator,Airstrike,Irradiated Infantry,Omega,Tiamat,Shapeshifter,Fighter Jet,Hunter,Mortar Bunker
tLW_Mark0628:Dracorex,Command Center,Blood Wall,Teslafield,Sulfuris Acid Pit,Blood Wall,Xeno Forcefield,Command Center,Sulfuris Acid Pit,Teslafield,Teslafield
tLW_Mosfet:Dalia,Irradiated Infantry,Electromagnetic Pulse,Aegis,Stormrunner,Stealthy Niaq,Sabre,Tiamat,Sabre,Sabre,Stormrunner
tLW_panda314:Duncan,Micromech,Micromech,Sustained Wall,Command Center,Command Center,Gatling Tower,Cannon Walker,Micromech,Tesla Cannon,Cannon Walker
tLW_pbrak:Dracorex,Poseidon,Rifter,Daemon,Grunt,Barrage Tank,Fighter Jet,Fury Walker,Electromagnetic Pulse,Xeno Interceptor,Mawcor
tLW_PFSed:Lucina the Wicked,Shapeshifter,Beetle Bomber,Predator,Stealthy Niaq,Fighter Jet,Electromagnetic Pulse,Sabre,Electromagnetic Pulse,Tiamat,Omega
tLW_Poweful:Atlas,Poseidon,Stealthy Niaq,Hunter,Grunt,Predator,Titan,Draconian Queen,Azure Reaper,Azure Reaper,Bolide Walker
tLW_Quallion:Atlas,Sabre,Havoc,Omega,Hunter,Infiltrator,Plague,Predator,Stealthy Niaq,Tiamat,Hierophant
tLW_RexAhl:Atlas,Stealthy Niaq,Electromagnetic Pulse,Sharpshooter,Barrier,Omega,Poseidon,Support Carrier,Predator,Fighter Jet,Tiamat
tLW_riot99:Thadius,Irradiated Infantry,Irradiated Infantry,Irradiated Infantry,Irradiated Infantry,Tiamat,Irradiated Infantry,Irradiated Infantry,Irradiated Infantry,Irradiated Infantry,Irradiated Infantry
tLW_Rubeee:Dracorex,Support Carrier,Support Carrier,Support Carrier,Mend Wounds,Elemental,Support Carrier,Bridge of Destiny,Destructive Ram,Infected Trooper,Stealthy Niaq
tLW_smokii421:Atlas,Pummeller,Blood Pool,Blood Pool,Pummeller,Pummeller,Blood Pool,Pummeller,Pummeller,Recurring Darkness,Abominable Horror
tLW_SneakyDonkey:Dracorex,Azure Reaper,Support Carrier,Daemon,Daemon,Support Carrier,Support Carrier,Azure Reaper,Support Carrier,Elemental,Daemon
tLW_torquer:Lord of Tartarus,Brawler,Hatchet,Demon,Brawler,Brawler,Brawler,Asylum,Redeemer,Razogoth's Heir,Brawler
tLW_Trigga420:Atlas,Cannon Walker,Electromagnetic Pulse,Stealthy Niaq,Hierophant,Hunter,Mech Walker,Predator,Tiamat,Omega,Razogoth's Heir
tLW_ursus_maximus:Freddie,Trident,Exodrone,ComSat Terminal,Fortifier,Trident,Lance Rider,Lance Rider,Dozer Tank,Trident,Trident
tLW_w_alloy:Lord of Tartarus,Grim Specter,Grim Specter,Grim Specter,Grim Specter,Grim Specter,Grim Specter
tLW_ZPRS:Dracorex,Gorivore,Apollo,Daemon,Stealthy Niaq,Destructive Ram,Support Carrier,Support Carrier,Electromagnetic Pulse,Draconian Queen,Razogoth's Heir
tLW_ScottG7:Bloody Mary,Bridge of Destiny,Support Carrier,Orbo the Wrathful,Placid Glider,Guerilla Leader,Pantheon Progeny,Pantheon,Avatar,Support Carrier,Support Carrier
tLW_bambam91:Duncan,Salvager,Command Center,Salvager,Command Center,Cannon Walker,Command Center,Salvager,Salvager,Dozer Tank,Cannon Walker
tLW_bryansm:Lucina the Wicked,Psycho,Omega,Predator,Tiamat,Beetle Bomber,Electromagnetic Pulse,Fighter Jet,Electromagnetic Pulse,Stealthy Niaq,Shapeshifter
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Posts : 9
Join date : 2011-11-10

all wikingz decks for 2011-11-24 Empty
PostSubject: Re: all wikingz decks for 2011-11-24   all wikingz decks for 2011-11-24 EmptyThu Nov 24, 2011 12:34 am

i dont have an infiltrator in my defense deck
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all wikingz decks for 2011-11-24 Empty
PostSubject: Re: all wikingz decks for 2011-11-24   all wikingz decks for 2011-11-24 EmptyThu Nov 24, 2011 1:52 am

thx for info. ill check my app
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Posts : 9
Join date : 2011-09-12

all wikingz decks for 2011-11-24 Empty
PostSubject: Re: all wikingz decks for 2011-11-24   all wikingz decks for 2011-11-24 EmptyThu Nov 24, 2011 3:18 pm

New Def Deck: Atlas, 2 Daemon, Lich, Toxic Cannon, Ram, 2 Patrol
Cruiser, Rancor, Doom Cannon, Arc Trooper (and sometimes Pantheon Prodigy)

Thought I'd change it up...
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all wikingz decks for 2011-11-24 Empty
PostSubject: Re: all wikingz decks for 2011-11-24   all wikingz decks for 2011-11-24 EmptyFri Nov 25, 2011 9:14 pm

My Duncan Com Center/micro/walker def deck isn't working well at all. Switching to Vyander for now.

Vyander, Daemon (4), Azure Reaper (2), Sustainer Xolan, Stealthy Niaq, Kyrios, Chaos Swarm.

If I had an enclave signal/xeno fortress, I'd probably include it. Alas.

Will probably bring back Duncan when I get Solitary Mechs + Tesla Tank. Those should make it a bit more viable.

[edit, I just went through doing all the achievements for new cards, and replaced a Daemon with Chaos Swarm. That oughtta bone strike decks a little more, since I have had trouble vs. strike decks in the past with my daemon decks... debating replacing vyander with a rally xeno commander.

(also, got tesla tank, now just need more LP for solitary mechs!)]

[edit AGAIN! Now using 7x Sundering Ogre, Patrol Cruiser, Signal Tower, and Bloodwall. Commander had been rotated through Emanuel, Dalia and Lucina the Wicked... currently liking Lucina since she still does a tiny bit of weaken and potentially adds that cruicial +1 damage I require at times]

Been rejiggering the defense deck often. Vs. Shinigami while we had our close war with Noobz it went 0/7 (granted vs. fights rather than surges, but still...). So vs. them I decided to change it to a fast BT deck with LoT, 2x Ogre, Raz, 2x microgen, 2x brawler, 2x asylum and Blight Devourer... before I go to bed I think I will change the deck back to my newest incarnation of Sundering Ogres:

Dalia/Emanuel: 5x Sundering Ogre, Stealthy Niaq, Patrol Cruiser, Signal Tower, Blood Wall, and Nimbus.

My ogres didn't do well surging vs. Shinigami... not bad, just not as awesome as I hoped, largely losing to their frequent strike decks. Then my brain failure lapsed and I remembered my wall stall surge deck totally rapes strike decks and used that to fairly decent success.

Last edited by clikml on Sun Nov 27, 2011 6:39 pm; edited 6 times in total (Reason for editing : updated a bit due to new achivement card access... again and again and so on)
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PostSubject: Re: all wikingz decks for 2011-11-24   all wikingz decks for 2011-11-24 Empty

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